
Title music:theme tunes (connote genre/represent tv drama)
score/incidental music:orchestra music used to connote tone/atmosphere).
sound motifs  sound associated with certain character(often a villain like the shark in jaws) that connote something good /bad is about to happen
 sound effects: used yo connote atmosphere
voice over: often used to give the viewer an insight into the thoughts of the character (creating a bond between the audience and character) set the scene or progress of the narrative.

Synchronous sound: sound that match what you see on screen.
Sound effects: realistic sounds that match the action on the screen creating realism and/or connoting atmosphere e.g. gun shots, door opening/closing
Dialogue: characters speaking (dialogue progresses the narrative and reveals the characters personality/ views to the viewer).
Ambient sound: natural background noise you would hear if the scene on the screen were real this is vital when creating realism.
