Radio 1

L/O T0 research the radio industry and BBC Radio one
In the uk, the term public service broadcasting refers to broadcasting intended for public benefits rather than to serve purely commercial interests. the communications  regulator ofcom requires that certain televisions

Research Task
1 How many national radio stations do the BBC operate? what are they and how they different in terms of content and audience?
BBC Radio: national stations include Radio 1,2,3,4, 5 live and 6 Music. The BBC also has over 50 regional radio stations broadcasting throughout the UK. All these stations operate under the conditions of the Royal Charter and don't carry adverts because they are funded by the licence fee.
2 How many regional radio stations do they operate 
they operate 40 radio station 
3How are they funded a fee paid by BBC house hold 
L/O To explore how BBC radio 1 meets its PSB remit and meets the needs of its target audience 
The radio 1 audience is clearly addressed by the presenters that are close to the  age of their main listers demographic of 15-29( though Radio 1 presenters themselves will always tend to be aged towards    

The remit of radio 1 is to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary  music and speech. its target audience is 15-29 years olds and it should also provide some programming for young teenagers  
media convergence is a term that can refer to the merging of previously distinct media technology and media forms due to digitisation and computer networking 
convergence allow for  interactive participation
The audience is given a choice of how they consume media.


The radio industry regulated by Ofcom, who also cover the tv industry ofcom's duty is to examine complaints made against radio stations,to determine if the broadcasting has been breached 
Ofcom exists to ensure the broadcasting code is being upheld and that listeners are protected form harmful 
Ofcom's Role 

  • Ensuring the optimal use of the electro-magnetic spectrum 
  • Ensuring that a wide range of electronic communications services including high speed data services is available   
