
Showing posts from November, 2018


Editting terminology

transition(how a shot goes from one to another) continuity editting( one common of most forms editing  continuity devices are used to make the edit appear smooth some as not distract from the narrtive axis match (the angle of the camera remains the same from shot to shot0 cross cut/parallel cut (editing that alternates between two or more scenes happening at the same time) direction match(the direction of a person or object is consistent across the cut) dissolve(shot a gradually fades and is replaced with shot B  with a momentary superimpostion of both shot) duration and pacing (the length and rhythem of shots) long take(shot that continues for a long time- could be a tracking shots that follows the characters  or  could just be a shot that doesn't end for over 40 seconds) eye line match(a cut where charcter appear to look at each other because of their glances) fade in( a gradual lighting of the image from black to light) fade out(gradual darkening of im...

comdey poster


Film Genre

LO: to explore the concept of film genre                                                                              14/11/18 Horror action adventuere comedy romance  thiller rom-com Comedy dumb and dummer 1 and 2  ted home alone 1,2,3,4,5 central intelligence spy grown ups 1and 2 pikel bed time stories Night of the museum daddy home 1 and 2 walle jim carrey was in the mask adam sandler was in grown ups. jeff daniels was in dumb and dumber


Non-Diegetic Title music:theme tunes (connote genre/represent tv drama) score/incidental music:orchestra music used to connote tone/atmosphere). sound motifs  sound associated with certain character(often a villain like the shark in jaws) that connote something good /bad is about to happen  sound effects: used yo connote atmosphere voice over: often used to give the viewer an insight into the thoughts of the character (creating a bond between the audience and character) set the scene or progress of the narrative. Diegetic Synchronous sound: sound that match what you see on screen. Sound effects: realistic sounds that match the action on the screen creating realism and/or connoting atmosphere e.g. gun shots, door opening/closing Dialogue: characters speaking (dialogue progresses the narrative and reveals the characters personality/ views to the viewer). Ambient sound: natural background noise you would hear if the scene on the screen were real this is vital when crea...

Sound Terminology


horror poster


halloween poster
